Arolytics and PTAC hosted Webinar On Sept 28, 2021

On Sept. 28th from 11 am to 12 pm MDT,  Arolytics and Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC) hosted an informative and lively webinar. You can watch the recording here:

Speakers included:

  • Dave Risk, Dr. WF James Research Chair - Department of Earth Sciences, St. Francis Xavier University
    Dave Risk (PhD) is a Professor of Earth Sciences at St. Francis Xavier University (StFX) and holds both the GeoVerra Chair in Emissions Research, along with the Dr WF James Research Chair. His interests lie in gas measurement and related data processing techniques. Risk’s ‘Flux Lab’ team consists of almost 20 students and professional researchers. They have been involved in polar greenhouse gas detection projects in Alaska, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories, Norway, Siberia, and Antarctica, where their role is to design and build specialized tools for measuring permafrost gases. Most of Risk’s research is, however, presently aimed at improving environmental performance in the oil and gas industry. The Flux Lab team has made gas emission measurements at over 10,000 oil and gas facilities across the continent, to help industry and regulators better understand and manage greenhouse gas emissions, or clearly demonstrate the absence of surface effects at CO2 Geosequestration sites. Risk is always interested in moving important expertise into the world, even if it means rolling up his sleeves outside the university. He is co-founder of two companies, including an exciting young emissions analytics company called – Arolytics – and a successful instrumentation company called Eosense established over a decade ago.
  • Lindsay Campbell, Emissions Advisor - Alberta Energy Regulator
    Lindsay Campbell is a professional engineer who graduated from the University of Alberta Civil‐Environmental Engineering Program. She currently works as an Emission Advisor for the Alberta Energy Regulator. In her role she supported the development of the methane emission reduction requirements in Directive 60 and is currently overseeing the alternative fugitive emission management program. Prior to joining the AER, Lindsay worked in Government Relations for Encana and worked as an Environmental Engineer for Ecoventure, a consulting firm focused on reclamation and remediation for the oil and gas industry. Her contributions to the industry have been recognized through CAPP, Young Women in Energy and the Petroleum Technology Alliance of Canada.
  • Tracey McCrimmon, Executive Director - Sundre Petroleum Operators Group (SPOG)
    Tracey McCrimmon has over 25 years of experience working in the Alberta oil and gas industry. Ms. McCrimmon has participated in several synergy stakeholder groups throughout the province and has served as an industry member of the Sundre Petroleum Operators Group (SPOG) since 2006. Prior to leaving the oil and gas industry, she served as Chairman of the Energy Committee for the Southern Alberta Communities Initiative. Her commitment and belief in the values of synergy is what later brought Ms. McCrimmon to SPOG as their Executive Director. After obtaining her designation in Petroleum Land Management, Ms. McCrimmon’s career began in the land industry, where she worked as a surface landman for several years. This led her into fields such as public consultation, aboriginal affairs, and stakeholder engagement. During this webinar, Tracey will present on the Methane Emissions Management Program led through SPOG, a first of its kind multi-operator fugitive emissions monitoring pilot.
  • Wayne Heikkinen, Sundre Petroleum Operators Group (SPOG)


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